SkyTender has developed a comprehensive solution for the perfect serving system, utilizing a highly efficient and cost effective supply chain, based on 4 key elements:
- Mobile and galley based dispensing systems
- Distributed water purification production
- 360° preventive maintenance
- IoT connectivity & data analytics
Organisational Certification:
- DIN ISO 9001
- HACCP ( Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points)
- POA (Production Organisation Approval)
Product Certification:
- TSO (Technical Standard Order)
- STC (Supplemental Type Certificate)
- MCA (Minor Change Approval)
Benefits for all stakeholders
Increase in take-rate an ancillary sales, Optimized logistics
Coffee Specialty and variety, Fresh an cold drinks
Less weight and more space, Adherence to ecological goals, Customer experience
Beverage company
Accès to Big Data, predictive analysis, POS & One2one promotion opportunities
The SkyTender Portfolio
SkyBarista – Coffee Specialty
For the first time, passengers will be able to experience a Barista style coffee with frothy milk at their seat
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SkyTender – Multi Beverage
A wide range of hot, cold and carbonated beverages available, using an easy-to-use touch screen menu, and servable from both sides of the trolley. A half-size version is possible for cold beverages.
SkyDrinx – Galley Insert
SkyBarista and SkyTender Multibeverage modules can be built as galley inserts for inbetween services or for night flights. Passengers can get beverages all through the flight.